These crafts were believed the same "flying saucers" (later named UFOs) sighted by many people all around the world since 1947. According to the many would-be "inventors" and enthusiasts of this theory, UFOs would not be of extraterrestrial origin but man-made.
The "German saucers" are often known also as the "V-7 legend": this comes from a reportedly circular aircraft named "V-7" and claimed to have flown in Prague on February 14, 1945.
Latest developments of the legend, including claims of German space journeys to the Moon, Mars and near stars will be also taken into consideration.
Also of interest are all those rumours about secret Allied developments of original German projects, Nazi underground bases and related stories, like Hitler's escape and mysterious U-Boats sighted after the end of WWII.
Besides claims of would-be inventors and rumours, there are no original first-hand historical documents about the development of saucer-shaped aircrafts by the Germans. The supporters of the saucers' reality say that most but all documents and blueprints were destroyed by the Nazis before surrender or captured by the Allied and never released, due to their extreme strategic importance. Investigation for locating possible undisputable sources is still running.MYTH OR REALITY?
The reality of the "Nazi UFOs" has been highly controversial. No really hard historical evidence about the undisputable existence of such advanced technology has been presented so far.
There are some clues and many fascinating rumours that have been creating a real myth about the so-called "Nazi UFOs". One of the main scopes of this site is just the collection and deployment of documents able to evaluate the whole story better and under a critical point of view.