Friday, September 11, 2009

Planet X - Nibiru

The term "Nibiru" comes from the Sumerian cuneiform stone tablets and writings that are 6,000 years old. The term Nibiru means "Planet of the crossing". The Sumerian culture is the first recorded civilization on earth, then called Sumerian, today's Iraq. It has been known throughout ensuing time periods as Sumer, Mesopotamia, and Babylon, all the same location for where earth's first culture shows up on earth. The Sumerian Culture is the oldest known civilization we know of based on the artifacts and monuments that still remain.

Stories throughout the english version of the bible, today's modern version, speak of many events that changed the coarse of humanity in our past. If we look at the stories in the bible as historical accounts of what actually took place, then we need to research the origins of these stories. The hebrew version of the bible, known as the Old Testament, which is a much older version than the english translation, is derived from the stories of the Sumerian Culture. When we trace the origins of the Old testament we can see that it is also based on previous translations from subsequent older languages throughout history.

The Sumerian culture, the first civilization to invent writing as a complete written language, recorded stories that have been preserved through the modern day biblical passages found in the Old and New testament. All of which speak of a time when man lived among their living gods here on earth. The Sumerians had 7 sacred tablets that explained our creation. These stories preserved in stone, are now told to us in the form of the english version, "7 days of creation".

They also had a story of a great flood, and how one of the Gods choose to give a certain Sumerian man knowledge on how to build a boat that could withstand the great flood. All the stories in the bible are just translated versions of the original Sumerian Texts that we still have today preserved in stone, unchanged.

The Sumerians tell us that their Gods, taught them all the amazing knowledge that the Sumerian Culture possessed, 6,000 years ago. They called their Gods, "anunnaki" which is translated to mean "those who from heaven to earth came"..

We know today that beyond the giant planets Jupiter and Saturn lie more major planets, Uranus and Neptune, and a small planet, Pluto. But such knowledge is quite recent. Uranus was discovered, through the use of improved telescopes, in 1781. Neptune was pinpointed by astronomers (guided by mathematical calculations) in 1846. It became evident that Neptune was being subjected to unknown gravitational pull, and in 1930 Pluto (was located). The latest advances in space imaging do not rely solely on orbital perturbations as the way for locating and identifying possible candidates for Planet X.

Nasa recognized the possibility in 1982 of an extra solar planet. One Year later (1983)
Nasa Launched the IRAS (INFRARED ASTRONOMICAL SATELLITE)which located a
very large object

A heavenly object posible as large as the Giant planet Jupiter and possibly close to
earth that it would be part of the solar system has been found in the constellation of
orion by an obiting telescope ..

1 comment:

  1. Super Storm of 10,500 BC

    And the link to the commentary blog post

    Howard West



L Deathnote..